Black Tickle - Narcan Kit Case:
This Black Tickle case was designed to house a single dose of Narcan injectable 2mg/2ml, made by the company Luer-JetTM. This case will not fit any other brand name Narcan. Alongside the Narcan glass vial and the Luer-Jet needleless syringe, there is also room in the middle for a 3cc syringe and a nasal atomizer at the bottom.
The case is made out of hardened PLA plastic – this ensures your Narcan kit is well protected while inside your equipment bag or pocket. Ensure that your Narcan glass vial is not broken when needed, and that the sterile packaging & caps of other items are securely in place.
This case features a magnetically sealed lid enclosure that is easy & intuitive to use and securely stays in place when needed. This lid is tethered to the body of the case using an upgraded braided 304 stainless steel tether for added strength and ability to be more thoroughly cleansed (will not rust).
The case has added holes and slots to allow the practitioner to easily lift or push the items out of the case. This case also has easy view ports to allow quick checks of gear – ensure your case is loaded and drugs are not expired without even opening the case.
The outside of the case is labeled with Narcan to allow easy recognition. Although this case is available in a variety of colours, it is recommended to have the case in the same colour as the manufactures original packaging (in this case, Beige is recommended).
- Upgrade options are available for additional customized/personalized lettering (sometimes a logo can also be implemented - please contact for additional info).
Black Tickle XL Narcan Kit:- Newly created XL sized Narcan kit, same as above but holds 5x vials, 2x prefill syringes and 2x atomizers. Please see demo video.
**Important Notes:
- The rotating insert is not designed to be removed or re-inserted from/into the case, and doing so will greatly weaken the design, potentially making it unusable, and also voids any warrantee/guarantee.