Adenosine Vial Case (Little Rapids):
The Adenosine Vial Case, also referred to as the Little Rapids case, was designed with the intent to be an all-in-one case to grab when the classic antiarrhythmic drug is required. The case is manufactured to house six (6) Adenosine vials made by the manufacturer Fresenius KabiTM. These vials are a standard small size vials that are commonly used by pharmaceutical companies, so interchangeability is likely, and this case could also potentially be used with other drugs (for example, Vasopressin).
This case can also house a 5cc syringe and some needles – so everything is immediately at your finger tips in any stressful cardiac situation. The Adenosine vials are housed in rotating inserts, allowing the vials to lie flat when in storage (safely preventing damage to glass) – and when needed, rotate 90° to allow easy removal or insertion.
The lid is magnetically sealed, providing a secure enclosure and is also rapidly opened and closed intuitively. The lid also has specifically placed windows to allow easy identification of contents (enabling rapid gear checks) and these windows can be used as finger hooks making it even easier to open. The lid is tethered to the case using an upgraded 304 Braided Stainless Steel for added strength and ability to be more thoroughly cleansed (will not rust). The case has additional holes allowing it to be soft-locked, as per some institution policies.
Although the case colour is recommended by Tree Dee to match the manufactures factory cardboard box colours (with Adenosine = red) it is also available in any colour choice that is offered (see website for additional info). The case comes labelled with “Adenosine” on the top, bottom and the front; with the company name/logo on the back. Upgrade options are available for additional customized/personalized lettering (sometimes a logo can also be implemented - please contact for additional info).
**Important Notes:
- The rotating insert is not designed to be removed or re-inserted from/into the case, and doing so will greatly weaken the design, potentially making it unusable, and also voids any warrantee/guarantee.